Sunday, November 05, 2006

Elections, Part 4

Hallelujah! This post has been recovered after the technical error. I'm sorry for getting mad at So here it is again.

There's been a couple news items of interest recently. One was a teenager who was tasered to death when he was walking around carrying a Bible and a cordless phone shouting "I want Jesus!" The other was the recent exposure of Ted Haggard as a homosexual. When I read that story, I honestly was not surprised. Haggard is the president of the National Association of Evangelicals, which has 30 million members. This group has strong ties to and strongly supports criminal warmongering Republicans. For an exposure of Haggard and other suspicious people at his church, see Remember the post about homosexuality, blackmail, and corruption? Did you read any of the posted links? Those were posted for a good reason. Also, another suspicious person at this church is Dr. Bill Deagle, mentioned in the article as prohesying the author's death, and also being kicked out of The Prophecy Club. For more info on why Dr. Deagle is a suspicious character, see and just google him. I suppose this doesn't have that much to do with elections, except for that some of the Kool-Aid Republicans who are pastors are charging that this is an attempt to sway the upcoming elections. Maybe it is. Maybe it's to send a message to the homosexuals and others under blackmail to do what they're told. Or maybe Republicans are having the carpet pulled from underneath them so that Americans will gladly elect the Democrats to enslave them. Unfortunately, the recent news has distracted me from my original objective here in this post, which was to be an assault on democracy, but unfortunately, it may have to wait a day or two.In the meantime, a you must read these most excellent articles.


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