Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Elections, Part 3

Well, the last post on elections certainly ended on a depressing note, by just skimming some of the widespread pedophilia, hoomosexuality, and blackmail. I think another source of control in Congress should also be addressed right now. This has to do with our foreign policy, which kills innocents and steals money from the American people. Hopefully, you won't be surprised to know that your representatives and senators were probably given money by AIPAC. Here is a list of the current and lifetime contributions given by pro-Israel PACs to incumbents and challengers as of this June. Why is this important? Well, out of all the billions that are stolen from the American people, a couple of these go to Israel, along with all sorts of arms. Not only that, but our government constantly seems to be making trouble for Israel's enemies. We also have a substantial number of dual Israeli citizens working in our government, such as Michael Chertoff and Dov Zakheim to name a few. This is not a problem because these men are Jews, it is a problem because of Israel's treachery toward us in recent years, and I dislike those criminals that conspire to take away our liberties and make war on others. Christians like John Hagee aren't helping either when they enable and praise such abuse. Maybe we will delve into the Iran non-issue sometime. There was of course Jonathan Pollard and Larry Franklin spying for Israel, and then the 200+ "art students" deported after 9/11, including the "dancing Israelis," the Mossad agents of Urban Moving Systems in Weehawken. There were actually multiple incidents involving Israeli "movers" in their vans, often close to some sort of military or other sensitive location.
You can also watch the video of an investigation into the Israeli spy ring, apparently the largest spy ring ever discovered in U.S. history. Carl Cameron, of Fox News of all channels, did the investigation, and although Fox erased it from their website, others were smart enough to save it.
There was also Governor McGreevey in New Jersey a couple years ago who had that affair with Golan Cipel, an Israeli navy veteran, who gave him the top job in the New Jersey DHS basically for sex. When this became public, McGreevey quickly resigned on grounds that he was gay (although married) and Cipel was quietly sent home to Israel. This could have prevented larger issues of corruption from being exposed, such as blackmailing of homosexuals in government, but instead, it just became another left-right fight over homosexuality. For the love of your country, please stop listening to the two branches of the same party. They are distracting you.
What does this mean? It just means that we should not regard Israel as an ally, since it seems to be spying on us and subverting our political system. Also, why should we give foreign aid to an apartheid country that steals land and kills civilians? Now I actually oppose government foreign aid to any country, as it is theft from our citizens. If you want to send your money to another country, even a racist and murdering country, go ahead. But don't force others into it. Israel is not the worst country on earth, not even close to it, but we should stop pretending that it is some bastion of peace, liberty, and prosperity. Zionism is racism, because basically, Zionists believe they have an inherent right to the land Arabs lived on for centuries, and a right to keep the Arabs out of certain areas where they can concentrate Jews. Everybody would be up in arms if blacks were again forcibly segregated in the US. All I'm aksing is that every country, America, Israel, China, etc. are held up to the same standards, which are respect for life, liberty, and property. The Arabs owe no restitution because they did not persecute the Jews in Europe. We wonder why the Arabs are mad, but we shouldn't forget that we did the same thing a few centuries ago to the natives of this land, theft and murder. I couldn't argue with the Zionists had they peacefully bought the land in a proper and libertarian manner, as the Dutch did with the island of Manhattan, but I cannot condone theft of property and murder of those who enjoy keeping their rightful property. See this article
Basically, our government needn't take sides here, and with a little intelligence, voters would not allow Israel to abuse our system. But I can't really blame Israel when our voters are so terrible. If we have bad leaders, and you voted for any of them, look no further than yourself.


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