Monday, October 30, 2006

Elections, Part 2

If you are going to vote in this election, be sure not to vote for Republicans, not unless his name is Ron Paul. The Republicans gained control of Congress a dozen years ago with promises to roll back government and they lied to you. Not to me, because I was seven years old. You were duped by their promises and optimism and tired of Democratic abuse and corruption. However, we find ourselves in the same position 12 years later. Don't be fooled into giving power to the opposites. They will be just as corrupt as soon as they can accumulate the power. But back to the Republicans, they have only increased the bloated federal budget, failed to abolish the Department of Education, started wars, increased social spending, approved freedom-hating federal judges, and that's not even all. Most of them don't really care about abortion, and judging from things like the flag-burning amendment and the recent ban on horse slaughter for human consumption, they don't give a rip about property rights either. They have conspired to take away our civil liberties via the Patriot Acts and the Military Comissions Act. They're not the more moral party, either. Because of the nature of politics, it's only fitting that there are likely more homosexuals among the Republican party than Democrats, and with the exception of Barney Frank, more pedophiles, too. Do you think Mark Foley is the only one? Or was he exposed to send a message to the other controlled politicians. I'll definitely have to delve deeper into this issue in other posts. That also reminds me of Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), who is openly gay, who was recently investigated for a camping trip he took with young adult pages. Apparently, no wrongdoing was found, as in the Foley case, but no one seems to be asking why he was taking that camping trip with the pages in the first place. You need to do research on the Franklin Cover-Up and watch the video about it here There are also interviews with John DeCamp here.
Most people cannot deal with the extreme corruption of our government, and they enable corruption in multiple ways. They vote for corrupt politicians, then they cover their ears or call people names when they expose corruption, and they also keep the deceptive media in business by watching their television programs. Another entry should have more information about corruption, and also, the concept of democracy will be discussed soon. I strongly urge you to check out the links I post for you and to do your own research, reading, and thinking. Educate yourself. And may God have mercy on us all.


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