Sunday, October 29, 2006

Elections, Part 1

Well, you've probably seen or heard the campaign ads already. You know what time it is. Elections! The time of the year when people go to the ballot box to sign away more money and liberty to dishonest crooks. And I won't even bother to repeat George Wallace's comment about Democrats and Republicans. Come on people, you ought to have figured this out by now. When you vote, don't vote for the letter and party loyalty. You ought to know by now that parties are rather like parasites and pathogenic germs in that they seek money and power from the host (YOU [or maybe the country]) without any concern for the welfare of the host. However, these parasites are slightly more intelligent, so they usually want most of you to stay alive so that they have a host off of whom they might feed. They are selfish and will continue to vote themselves pay raises and the votes which get them bribe money from their sponsors (i.e. war profiteers, AIPAC, all sorts of corporations, Soros, the homosexual lobby, the kool-aid drinking evangelicals who vote R no matter what, the old people, unions, etc.) Don't listen to the empty promises, because they're lying as usual. Do you know why they lie to you and break promises? Because you vote for them anyways. I have more complaints for later and I will try to keep the entries coming this week despite the week's heavy academic workload. But for now, I'll leave you with some links to important articles. (Democracies)


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