Monday, October 30, 2006

Elections, Part 2

If you are going to vote in this election, be sure not to vote for Republicans, not unless his name is Ron Paul. The Republicans gained control of Congress a dozen years ago with promises to roll back government and they lied to you. Not to me, because I was seven years old. You were duped by their promises and optimism and tired of Democratic abuse and corruption. However, we find ourselves in the same position 12 years later. Don't be fooled into giving power to the opposites. They will be just as corrupt as soon as they can accumulate the power. But back to the Republicans, they have only increased the bloated federal budget, failed to abolish the Department of Education, started wars, increased social spending, approved freedom-hating federal judges, and that's not even all. Most of them don't really care about abortion, and judging from things like the flag-burning amendment and the recent ban on horse slaughter for human consumption, they don't give a rip about property rights either. They have conspired to take away our civil liberties via the Patriot Acts and the Military Comissions Act. They're not the more moral party, either. Because of the nature of politics, it's only fitting that there are likely more homosexuals among the Republican party than Democrats, and with the exception of Barney Frank, more pedophiles, too. Do you think Mark Foley is the only one? Or was he exposed to send a message to the other controlled politicians. I'll definitely have to delve deeper into this issue in other posts. That also reminds me of Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), who is openly gay, who was recently investigated for a camping trip he took with young adult pages. Apparently, no wrongdoing was found, as in the Foley case, but no one seems to be asking why he was taking that camping trip with the pages in the first place. You need to do research on the Franklin Cover-Up and watch the video about it here There are also interviews with John DeCamp here.
Most people cannot deal with the extreme corruption of our government, and they enable corruption in multiple ways. They vote for corrupt politicians, then they cover their ears or call people names when they expose corruption, and they also keep the deceptive media in business by watching their television programs. Another entry should have more information about corruption, and also, the concept of democracy will be discussed soon. I strongly urge you to check out the links I post for you and to do your own research, reading, and thinking. Educate yourself. And may God have mercy on us all.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Elections, Part 1

Well, you've probably seen or heard the campaign ads already. You know what time it is. Elections! The time of the year when people go to the ballot box to sign away more money and liberty to dishonest crooks. And I won't even bother to repeat George Wallace's comment about Democrats and Republicans. Come on people, you ought to have figured this out by now. When you vote, don't vote for the letter and party loyalty. You ought to know by now that parties are rather like parasites and pathogenic germs in that they seek money and power from the host (YOU [or maybe the country]) without any concern for the welfare of the host. However, these parasites are slightly more intelligent, so they usually want most of you to stay alive so that they have a host off of whom they might feed. They are selfish and will continue to vote themselves pay raises and the votes which get them bribe money from their sponsors (i.e. war profiteers, AIPAC, all sorts of corporations, Soros, the homosexual lobby, the kool-aid drinking evangelicals who vote R no matter what, the old people, unions, etc.) Don't listen to the empty promises, because they're lying as usual. Do you know why they lie to you and break promises? Because you vote for them anyways. I have more complaints for later and I will try to keep the entries coming this week despite the week's heavy academic workload. But for now, I'll leave you with some links to important articles. (Democracies)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

El Crimen

Sorry for writing the title in Spanish. I though plain old "Crime" was just a little too boring. But that is not the point of this column. Instead, it is analogous to the cover of a book. My goal is to get you thinking. And I will stimulate your thinking by asking a fundamental question. What is crime?
Crime might seem like a vague concept to define, but in reality, it's a fairly simple concept. A crime is something that harms the person or property of someone else. When I provide some examples, you will see how this definition covers everything that is a real crime.
Crimes against someone's person are rather obvious. These are murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, child molestation and so on. You have no right to damage another person. Everyone owns their own body and no one else's, including babies (abortion will be covered sometime in the future, or read this article entitled "The Free Market Case Against Abortion," also busting the myth that libertarians are all pro-abortion). God has given us our bodies which he created in his own image (Genesis 9:6), which is why harming other people is such horrible crime. No one can legitimately argue for murder, rape, assault, etc., because these things on a widespread scale prevent the establishment of civil society. Would you want to live with people who think it is acceptable to rape or murder others? Would you feel safe?
Likewise, you cannot have any economic development without property rights. A person must be able to own his property to have any incentives to provide it for himself or use it to render goods or services unto others. A society won't get very far without property. If you think that we don't have property rights, I demand your wallet or purse and all contents therein immediately! Everybody knows that stealing is wrong; no one who steals frequently will be tolerated by their neighbors. (Government and property will be discussed some other time) Theft also includes fraud, because property is taken based on intentional deception.
Maybe you think I didn't prove my points well enough. It shouldn't take much, though. These are universally recognized crimes. They are also the only real crimes. A real crime has a victim, someone whose person or property was damaged. Drug use, prostitution, tax evasion, and a host of other "illegal" things are victimless, i.e., not real crimes, since nobody or their property was directly harmed. Also, try this concept. We know the only way to stop crime sometimes is to use force, even deadly force. Do you support using deadly force on someone who is engaging in perfectly harmless behavior, like maybe smoking a joint. Maybe they even have a brain tumor. Maybe they don't want to give up that joint, which is their rightful property, and they won't give it up. At some point, the only way to take it from them is by committing a crime; you must assault or murder them. Is that OK? To prevent a victimless crime, you will actually create a victim of a real crime, because someone's person or property will be harmed in this process when before, nobody was being harmed. Congratulations, you just made the world worse. I won't even try and discuss thought crimes and speech crimes right here, that just makes my blood boil with righteous anger, and those will eventually be discussed in another column, anyways. Well, good night, I'm done writing and we could all use some sleep right now.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Nobody reads this blog yet, but hopefully, they will read this entry whenever they do. This is about hemihypertrophy, a condition that affects a few thousand Americans by causing considerable differences in size between some or all body parts on the different sides of the body. There is very little information on the Internet about hemihypertrophy, not much more than you will see here. Sometimes it is just a random congenital birth defect, as in my case, but sometimes, it occurs as a symptom of another condition, such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. I am visibly affected in my entire upper body, hands, tongue, and although my legs are pretty much the same size, the right leg has much more strength and coordination. My left arm is not only thinner and weaker with a smaller hand, but it is a couple inches shorter too, which can never be corrected by weightlifting. This unequal application of force on my body is definitely bad for my back and hips and such, but luckily, I never developed any serious scoliosis and my hip pain was greatly reduced by cutting back on long distance running. All in all, I've been blessed, only having to put up with a few minor inconveniences and no major health problems. Thanks to the Masons(though I do disagree with their religion) and their Shriners Hospital in Spokane, I was routinely checked for Wilms' tumor(kidney or adrenal gland), scoliosis, and had my growth monitored. My hemihypertrophy used to be worse when I was little, now that I've seen some of the pictures; it's been reduced by age and weightlifting. Actually, I think it should be called hemihypotrophy in my case, because rather than an oversized right side, it now appears that rather some parts of the left side are undersized. But once again, this is minor. I once knew a kid in elementary and middle school named John Ficklin, whose hemihypertrophy caused one leg to be a few inches shorter than the other. He had to wear a shoe addition on his short leg and had some surgery and pins to lenghthen it. When I remember him, it puts my own minor inconveniences into perspective, because there was a lot John couldn't do. God bless him, wherever he is today. The information I gave above is the basics of hemihypertrophy: Asymmetry, congenital, higher risk of Wilms' tumors, possible scoliosis and joint ailments. So if you see someone like me or him and you notice somthing seems off with our bodies, this is it. Well, that wasn't that important, but it's to raise a little awareness. Plus, you just learned a new fancy medical term, and better yet, you know what it means. In an unrelated story, hill sprints are great exercise. I just did some today until my legs burned and I gasped for air like a racehorse. It's especially good for those of you who are time-challenged because you will undoubtedly be exhausted within a half hour. Also, you'll quicken your metabolism, and if you're like me and suffer from some joint pain, hill sprints will give you a great workout without any aggravation. So get off your duff and run some hill sprints today!
Now, as far as future writings are concerned, there will be a forthcoming entry on elections, voting, democracy and such things. We're actually going into a real no spin zone, underneath all the politics. Learn why the evidence shows that the average American voter really is dumber than a chimp. Now be safe and get yourself a good night's sleep.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

College Students Gaining Weight

I noticed a story on Yahoo! News this morning about college students gaining weight in their first two years. The average weight gain is not 15 pounds, but actually closer to 8. But I personally have seen a friend gain a freshman 30 and reminisce about his lost 6-pack, while I lost 3 pounds last year, and about an additional 5 this year. My friend had this happen due to his poor diet and exercise habits, and I tried to help him by inviting him to work out with me at the Pete on numerous occasions. Fortunately, he lost a good bit of weight. I myself was not able to maintain some of the muscle mass I had gained my senior year of high school through heavy lifting, and I inexplicably lost 4 or 5 pounds so far this fall. Believe me, I'm not trying to lose weight. I eat a lot (although reasonably healthy) and lift weights three times a week. But this goes to illustrate my point that people don't have to gain weight in college if they don't want to. The previously mentioned article said that the primary reason for the weight gain is eating too much. While that is certainly a factor in some cases, I don't think that's the primary cause. Supposedly, we have access to larger amounts of food, I would have to disagree based on my experience in college so far, where food is an incredible ripoff, where a half gallon of milk is over three dollars, fourteen ounces of cereal is five dollars, a dollar a packet for instant oatmeal and a handful of lettuce that they call a salad is four dollars. A small bag of candy or trail mix costs three dollars. Most students I see, including the overweight, don't even eat breakfast. It has to do with the choice of foods probably, and importantly lack of exercise. Often, students come to college and no longer exercise, even with free facilities on campus that are within a ten minute walk for everyone. There is always the good old time excuse, but if you seriously can't set aside about 4% of your waking hours exercising, you can sprint from class to class. You would actually be in good physical condition from that sort of exercise. You could wake up and do pushups and situps. Most people do what they want most of the time, so if your health is important to you, you will do something about it. Nobody has to go to college and gain a lot of weight. Eventually, there comes a time to quit making excuses and take action. Well, enough with that. This may be a fairly softball topic, but I felt it was a good first, and it needed to be discussed. It may not be the last time, either. There is a post in the works right now on the recent Military Commissions Act of 2006, so that should appear here soon. Also, I will bring my attention sometime soon to the condition known as hemihypertrophy, which afflicts me and thousands of others in this country. So, be well, peace on earth and goodwill to men.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pull up a Chair...

It has recently come to my attention, thanks to the libertarians at that a bill has been passed in Congress called The Military Commissions Act of 2006. It's just fabulous that most people, including those who vote, have no idea what is going on and what those traitors in Congress (notable exception: Ron Paul) are doing. The full bill, which can be found at , has finally taken away our long established rights recognized (NOT granted) by the 5th and 6th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
`(1) UNLAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT- (A) The term `unlawful enemy combatant' means--

`(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al Qaeda, or associated forces); or
`(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense.

Well, you probably don't need me to tell you why putting this sort of power into the hands of two rather dishonest men is a bad idea- why don't we just have a monarchy or other dictatorship? The problem is that this gives a grand jury's power to the President or Secretary of Offense. If you read a little further into the Act, you will find other troubling provisions, such as the ability of a tribunal judge to introduce hearsay evidence or coerced statements (torture). There is also no prohibition against double jeopardy, that is, you may be tried twice for the same crime. The ideological founder of our legal system, William Blackstone, noted that it is better that 20 guilty men go free than an innocent man convicted. Why? Punishment does no good for the innocent, as the crime has already been committed, but harm is caused when someone is wrongly convicted. If someone has committed a crime, then prove it fair and square in court, not some kangaroo tribunal. It should be obvious when a crime is committed because people or property is damaged. The definintion of crime will definitely be a topic for a later post, but back to the point. We like to criticize other goverments for their tyranny and authoritarianism while conveniently overlooking our own. But look no further. However, that might be hard if you have a beam in your eye.
But who am I kidding? The Constitution really is just a g--damned piece of paper like our President said. The abuse of the Constitution started barely more than a decade after its creation, with the Alien and Sedition Acts (1st Amd). By the way, I do encourage you to do some reading. Brush up on that history. The Constitution was further abused with the Federal Reserve Act(Art. I, Sec 8-5), and also the Espionage Act during WWI(1st Amd), and then, there was Roosevelt and his 2000+ executive orders. If you read the last and most important Amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 10th, you will understand why Roosevelt's dictatorship and most legislation since his time has been unconstitutional. But most people don't care. They blabber about the Constitution as if they knew any of it, as if there were something called separation of church and state in the 1st Amendment (there isn't). The fact that our representatives in that house of crime swear an oath to uphold it makes them all liars except Ron Paul. And you, the people of the United States continue to elect them. You have no excuse if you voted for one of these public "servants." The Constitution does recognize some important natural rights that God has imbued us with, but it also allowed abuse by creating a central government with so much power. That was the logical result of letting the government decide what its own powers were. Oh well, I guess the Anti-Federalists were right. It's too late now.
Let's face it, the Constitution was a mistake, and now we are paying the price of powerful national government. Besides the abusive central government created by the Constitution, when you read this paper by libertarian abolitionist legal theorist and political philosopher Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) It is called "Consititution of No Authority" and explains why the Constitution does not legally bind anybody except those who agreed to it. This is great reading for anybody interested in political philosophy, or government, for you statists of the D or R stripes, or for those who like to think, read, and expose themselves to different ideas. If you consider yourself a libertarian, this is mandatory reading.
What is the problem here? The problem is the State. A government will abuse any powers it is given. This has been true with every government that has ever existed. This is because people are flawed. They do not become better people when they serve in a government. There is still the same greed, lust for power, and plotting and criminal conspiracy. What's worse is that they have unlimited resources for wrongdoing and at a certain level, no one has the authority to say no. This is why Locke realized that the "state of nature" or, what could be called anarchy, is not as bad as a large, tyrannical government, because the people committing crimes in the SN are alone or in small groups, rather than a huge conglomerate, and thus, less severe. Governments have been the largest source of death and destruction throughout human history. Look at Assyria, Babylon, Rome, the Muhammad's government, the Mongol Hordes, colonial Europe, the USSR, Nazi Germany, China, and the USA. If you want to say, "My, country right or wrong," keep your mouth shut, or fix it. Otherwise, apologize to all the other supporters of the previously mentioned governments. Make no mistake, the biggest threat to our freedom is and always has been our own government, not any foreign bogeymen. The evidence is clear with regards to our government: They hate us for our freedoms.
It's interesting to be living at a time in which liberty is crumbling before our eyes. The frog will not feel the heat of the water until it is too late to jump. It seems unreal when the warnings of the Founding Fathers are coming alive in plain view. It is too late to reverse the trend. We all know about the frog in boiling water. The late William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court had this to say. “As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”
Unfortunately, we're victims of the majority of people in this country who are voting us into tyranny. They should do a better job or quit. But since that is an unrealistic excpectation, you should get used to the fact that we will soon be living under a very repressive government. Benjamin Franklin noted that those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both. Where is the spirit of Patrick Henry? Do we want liberty or death? Liberty and security will disappear right in front of us. There's not much we can do, so just pull up a chair, with a beverage of your choosing, and enjoy the show. And pray to God, our help in ages past.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


It's high time I started a blog. I need a forum to post my ideas, you know get the thoughts out of my head. Maybe I'll include some of my life, too. But you should definitely expect this blog to contain some politics and religion, you know, the controversial things that people cannot freely discuss without offending other people. That's OK, because we all need to grow a bit of skin. And what better way to do this than set up a blog for free, thanks to So, if you're interested in reading this blog, just check it from time to time to see if anything was posted. I apologize in advance if I don't post much this semester; I have a fairly rigorous class schedule. Anyways, until next time, vaya con Dios.